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The Meaning of Man

The Meaning of Man

Regular price RM95.00
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Sidi Ali al-Jamal of Fez

“Until this edition only one copy of the book was in existence. For two hundred years the author’s copy was kept at the place where he taught and during that time, regularly, every Thursday night, a small group of the intellectual elite of the city of Fez in Morocco would make their way down to the dyer’s quarter to the small zawiyya of the great teacher, gather in a circle and read, examine and apply the method delineated in the hand-written manuscript before them. As of today, that circle still gathers. It is hoped that by publication of this extraordinary work, incomparable in its profundity and clarity, the circle of Fez scholars will be extended and that knowledge may be disseminated through it in this age of intellectual bankruptcy.” (From the introduction by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi)

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