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The Luminous Moons

The Luminous Moons

Regular price RM100.00
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Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari
(Tr.) Mohammed A. Shamsudoha & Ahmad Muhammad

This masterful, transformative work of Seerah is now available for the first time in the English language. In the tradition of classical Seerah literature, this text contains a mixture of biographical facts, discussion of metaphysical realities, extracts from Qur’an and Hadith, as well as poetry, drawing both from great poets of the past and the compositions of the author.

Perhaps the most striking aspect of this text is the level of reverence for the subject matter. Beyond simply transmitting the facts of the life of the Messenger ﷺ, this text conveys a true sense of the honor with which his Ummah has traditionally regarded everything related to him. The reader cannot help but be affected, changed, even transformed.

This edition contains the voweled Arabic text and English translation on facing pages. It is often read in gatherings, to honor and celebrate the life of the Messenger, and to nourish the hearts of those who read and listen to it, and to serve as a reminder of his blessed status as the Best of Allah’s Creation ﷺ.

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