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Reliance of the Traveller

Reliance of the Traveller

Regular price RM220.00
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Nuh Ha Mim Kellar

A translation of the classical manual of Islamic Sacred Law (Shari’ah) ‘Umdat as-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1386), in Arabic with facing English text, commentary and appendices edited and translated by Sheikh Nuh Keller.

This is a classic manual of fiqh rulings based on Shafi’i School of jurisprudence and includes original Arabic texts and translations from classic works of prominent Muslim scholars such as al Ghazali, al Nawawi, al Qurtubi, al Dhahabi and others. It is an indispensable reference for every Muslim or student of Islam on Islamic rulings on daily Muslim life along with a significant number of pertinent topic areas covered through the lens of traditional Sunni Islamic teachings.

The appendices form an integral part of the book and present original texts and translations from classic works by prominent scholars such as al-Ghazali, al-Nawawi, al-Qurturbi, al-Dhahabi, Ibn Hajar and other, on topics of Islamic law, faith, spirituality, Qur’anic exegesis and Hadith sciences.

It has also biographical notes about every person mentioned (391 biographies), bibliography of each work cited (136 works), and a detailed subject index (95 pages). Of the 136 works drawn upon in its commentary and appendices, 134 are in the original Arabic. The sections and paragraphs have been numbered to facilitate cross-reference.

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