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Qasaid of Tariqa Sada BaAlawi

Qasaid of Tariqa Sada BaAlawi

Regular price RM45.00
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Rizwana Sayed

A comprehensive collection of qasa'id recited in the Ba Alawi Tariqa, in easy to read Arabic text and English translation. Includes famous qasa'id of Imam Al-Haddad, Imam Ali al-Habshi & Habib Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Sumayt, may Allah be pleased with them.

Featuring the Arabic text, translation, and introduction to 14 of the more celebrated Qasa'id.

Imam Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad, referring to his poetry said: "We have placed in it secrets that we did not include in any of the other books, so understand, and Allah knows best."


Fa Ya Nafahatullahi
Ya Rabbi Ya Alim ul-Hal
Qad Kafani Ilmu Rabbi
Bashshir Fu'adaka
Ya Rasul Allah Ya Ahl al-Wafa
Ua Jirat al-Alami
Ya Rahmat Allahi Zuri
Ala Ya Allah bi Nazara
Nad 'uka la nad 'uka siwaka
Qasida of Imam Ali al-Habshi
Rabbi inni ya dha's sifat il-'aliyya
Qad tammam Allah maqasidna

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