📚 Peace Meal - October 2022 Books Restocked and New Arrivals 📚

1. Etiquette of the Learner by Imam Badr Ad-Din Ibn Jama'ah al-Kinani

2. The History Of The Four Caliph by Muhammad al-Khudari Bak al-Bajuri

3. The Scribes of the Prophet by M. Mustafa al-A'zami

4. Al Arbain 40 companion (Ibn Hajar) by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

5. A Tentative Guide To Islamic Invocations by Prince Ghazi Bin Muhammad

6. A Thinking Person's Guide To Our Times by Prince Ghazi Bin Muhammad

7. The Book of Wisdoms by Kitab al-Hikam of Shaykh Ibn Ata Illah, With Commentary, Ikmal al-Shiyam of Shaykh Abdullah Gangohi

8. Gateway to the Quranic Sciences by Imam Jalal ad Din As Suyuti

9. A Thinking Persons Guide to Islam (PB): The essence of Islam in 12 verses from the Quran by Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad

10. A Sufi Study of Hadith by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi

11. Abridged Riyad al-Salihin by Imam An-Nawawi

12. Forty Principles (Ihya Uloom) tr. Nasir Abdussalam

13. Prophet of Mercy by Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

14. Thinking Truly Happy Life by Prince Ghazi Bin Muhammad

15. The Beginning Of Guidance by Imam al-Ghazali