1. Notions that Must Be Corrected by Shaykh Muhammad b. Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani 2. The Scholars of the Sufis: They are the Genuine Followers of the Salaf by Shaykh Abd Al-Hadi Kharsa 3. Realities of Sufism by Shaykh Abd Al-Qadir Isa 4. Apostate by Joran Van Klaveran 5. An Outpouring of Subtleties upon the Pearl of Oneness Vol 1: Divinity by Allie Khalfe 6. An Outpouring of Subtleties upon the Pearl of Oneness Vol 2: Prophethood by Allie Khalfe 7. Our Master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, his Sublime Character & Exalted Attributes : Vol 2 by Imam Abdallah Sirajuddin al-Husayni 8. Breezes of the Elect compiled by Umm al-Khair